The Use Of Aluminum Coil In The Insulation Industry

2023/02/09 10:05

Aluminum coil is one of the essential materials in the insulation construction, mainly used in the insulation cotton outside, for the time being, the domestic well-known power plant, chemical plant pipe insulation are using aluminum as raw materials, it can be said that the role of aluminum coil in insulation increasingly weight, gradually replaced other products.

Including nuclear power, thermoelectric power, chemical industry, petroleum and other aspects of the pipeline insulation is now the use of aluminum coil, according to the survey in 09-10 years, just in the insulation industry, the utilization rate of aluminum skin has reached more than 60%. Conventional insulation aluminum coil thickness is from 0.5mm-0.8mm thickness varies, according to the specific requirements and construction plans to determine, while patterned aluminum coil (orange peel) is also one of the more commonly used materials in insulation construction.

The following talk about insulation aluminum coil should be how to choose.