Non-slip aluminum plate

Five reinforced aluminum plates,Pointer type aluminum plate,Aluminum plate with orange peel.

What are the advantages of patterned aluminum plate?

Decorative aluminum plate is a common material at present, including home decoration, household appliances can be used in many places. The wide application of aluminum plate is inseparable from its characteristics. There are many kinds of aluminum plates in our daily life. What are the advantages of patterned aluminum plates? They can be summed up in the following five points.

1. Small density

The density of aluminum and aluminum alloy is close to 2.7g/, about 1/3 of iron or copper, aluminum and aluminum alloy has high strength. After a certain degree of cold working can strengthen the strength of the matrix, some grades of aluminum alloy can also be strengthened by heat treatment.

2, good electrical conductivity

Aluminum is second only to silver, copper and gold in electrical and thermal conductivity.

3, uniform coating, color diversity

Advanced electrostatic spraying technology makes the paint and aluminum plate adhesion uniform, diverse colors, large selection space.

4, easy to process

After ADDING certain ALLOYING ELEMENTS, THE CAST ALUMINUM ALLOY WITH GOOD casting properties or deformed aluminum alloy with good processing plasticity can be obtained. The aluminum plate has light weight, high tensile strength, good elongation performance and high recovery residual value. Good technology, using the first processing after painting process, aluminum plate can be processed into plane, arc and spherical and other complex geometric shapes. Aluminum plate in the factory molding, production does not need to cut, can be directly secondary processing.

5, good corrosion resistance

The surface of aluminum is easy to produce a layer of dense and firm AL2O3 protective film, which can protect the matrix from corrosion. The cast aluminum alloy with good casting properties or deformed aluminum alloy with good processing plasticity can be obtained by artificial anodizing and coloring. PVDF fluorocarbon paint with KynAR-500, Hylur500 as the base material can last up to 25 years.

What are the advantages of patterned aluminum plate? Do you know the five points? Refrigerator, microwave oven, sound equipment, washing machine cylinder, kitchenware includes water tank to use aluminum plate place a lot. We also look forward to better development of aluminum plate technology in the future.

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Product Details

Decorative aluminum plate is a kind of material with high cost in construction plate. It is used more in the application field of furniture, such as refrigerator, handle and decorative strip, etc. It will be used in the decorative aluminum plate. The decorative aluminum plate has different classification according to the different plate. According to the different patterns can also be divided. Pattern aluminum plate according to the divided into ordinary aluminum alloy sheet aluminum alloy aluminum sheet, aluminum metal pattern aluminum, aluminum and magnesium alloys pattern aluminum plate, such as different types of raw materials used in aluminum alloy is different, ordinary aluminum checkered plate is based on 1060 aluminum plate, aluminum manganese alloy pattern aluminum plate is 3003 aluminum plate processing, Aluminum and magnesium alloy pattern aluminum plate is made of 5000 series of aluminum plate, such as 5052 or 5083. Because the raw materials used in each kind of pattern aluminum plate are different, its functional characteristics are also different. In the actual selection, we should first understand the advantages of each kind of pattern aluminum plate, and then choose according to the actual situation.

The pattern aluminum plate can be divided into lancet pattern plate (five bars aluminum alloy pattern plate), compass aluminum alloy pattern aluminum plate, orange peel aluminum alloy pattern aluminum plate, lentil pattern aluminum plate, spherical pattern aluminum plate, wavy pattern aluminum plate, diamond aluminum alloy pattern plate, other pattern aluminum plate and so on.

Non-slip aluminum plate

Non-slip aluminum plate

Non-slip aluminum plate

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