Alloy aluminum plate manufacturer

Alloy aluminum plate is mainly used in construction engineering, machinery manufacturing, container manufacturing, shipbuilding, bridge construction, etc. It can also be used to manufacture various vessels, furnace shells, furnace plates, bridge and automobile static steel plates, low alloy steel plates, shipbuilding steel plates, boiler steel plates, pressure vessel steel plates, checkered steel plates, automobile girder steel plates, some tractor parts and welding components. Use of medium and thick plates: they are widely used to manufacture various containers, furnace shells, furnace plates, bridge and automobile static steel plates, low alloy steel plates, bridge steel plates, general steel plates, boiler steel plates, pressure vessel steel plates, checkered steel plates, automobile girder steel plates, some tractor parts and welding components for specific applications.

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Product Details

Aluminum plates are generally divided into the following two types:

1. Classified by alloy composition:

High purity aluminum plate (rolled from high purity aluminum with content above 99.9)

Pure aluminum plate (the composition is basically rolled from pure aluminum)

Alloy aluminum plate (consisting of aluminum and auxiliary alloys, usually aluminum copper, aluminum manganese, aluminum silicon, aluminum magnesium, etc.)

Composite aluminum plate or brazing plate (aluminum plate material for special purpose is obtained by means of composite of multiple materials)

Aluminum clad aluminum plate (aluminum plate is coated with thin aluminum plate for special purposes)

2. Divided by thickness: (unit: mm)

Aluminum sheet 0.15-2.0

Aluminum sheet 2.0-6.0

Aluminum plate 6.0-25.0

Aluminum plate 25-200

Over 200 ultra thick plates

beaten aluminum

beaten aluminum

beaten aluminum

beaten aluminum

beaten aluminum

beaten aluminum

beaten aluminum

beaten aluminum

beaten aluminum

beaten aluminum

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